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執筆者の写真天国 克将

web journalを始めます。



初夏に完成する自身の工房、TARUSHIRU labに1組ずつお招きし、指輪のクリーニングを兼ねてインタビューさせて頂く予定です。今後、個別に連絡していきます。是非ご協力をお願い致します。


私の物作りの背景には、「 吾唯足知 」、“less is more”といった思想があります。端的に言えば、simpleな物事が好きなのですが、simpleであるという事は決して単純であるという事ではありません。沢山のtry & errorを繰り返し研ぎ澄まされた先にあるのがsimpleです。私はそういった物事に美を感じます。そして又、物事が飽和した時代に生きる作家として何を作るべきかという事も大切にしています。



長くなりましたが、お付き合い頂き有難うございました。さてweb journalについてですが、第1回目は私たち家族について書きます。乞うご期待!

This is my 10th year in amakuni. There have been various changes both in amakuni and my life in these years. Since I’m involved with the society through manufacturing, I’ve been constantly searching for what I could do. I met a beautiful wife and two sons were born. The third child will soon be born. As we make decisions what’s important for us in everyday life, we started to realize how beautiful our life is and that it’s full of happiness. After realizing it, I realized another important thing; there is nothing much we need to be happy. I would want to share this type of perspective with more people, however there was a concern that I can express only one kind of happiness. Then suddenly the faces of customers who asked me for rings crossed my mind,conceiving they have valuable lives as well as us since they make their own decisions by their own yardsticks. Now I have many candidates, I’d like to begin the project which can possibly spread the happiness to people all over the world. I hope people who expose this project start thinking about what the true happiness is.

My atelier ’TARUSHIRU lab’ will soon to be finished its construction, so I’d like to invite customers one by one to interview about their perspective of love and happiness as getting their rings cleaned. I will contact you individually in the future, and I’ll be delightful if you accept my proffer and cooperate in this project.

Now I'll write about a bit of myself and amakuni. When I talk about amakuni, I’ve always had the ideas such “tarushiru” and "less is more". In short, I like simple things, but simple things don’t mean just simplicity. You have to repeat try-and-errors to get genuine simpleness, and I feel the true beauty in it. I also care for what I produce as shokunin in this time and age, where things are saturated.

I’ve learned from my childhood experiences that physical wealth doesn’t always richen our hearts. I grew up in a family who love beautiful things and have been shown high quality things. My family was financially wealth and had a lot of things, but when the economic bubble bursted, my parents couldn’t handle. Since then, my parents had kept blaming each other. I believe that the happiness is to built a deep bond with people you love, and understand, and share. If you stand still and change your perspective, you might see it not difficult to get such happiness.

No matter how expensive the thing you have in your hand, the value of it is not much. I believe the value of the thing is determined by how it can enrich your heart. I expect that if more people believe in their own values and make their own decisions, the world will be a better place any day. My wish is this idea will spread to the world through amakuni.

Thank you for reading. For the first submission, it’s going to be about my family, stay tuned!



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